For those of you who aren't aware, Invisible Zone and 4D Surprise are back available in some shops! Both were invented by Lubor Fiedler and are considered to be among Tenyo's best tricks ever.
When browsing the internet I realized a lot of shops have already sold out one or both items ... . They 'should' be back in stock by the end of may but this is in no way certain. I ordered one of each at a German shop but quickly got a reply 4D surprise was out of stock - the last few copies sold the day before.
Sorry for those who bought one or both the past year or so because they were sold for very high prices, especially at some auction sites. And while not common, Tenyo does rerelease a discontinued item from time to time. A few +1 tricks (Magical Sneakers to name one) and Crystal Cleaver are examples.
I do wonder why Tenyo decided to rerelease 4D Surprise and Invisible Zone. Were they becoming aware some older Tenyo items were/are in high demand among magicians or people who buy magic tricks in general?
Which raises the question: can we expect other discontinued items becoming available again?
[EDIT/UPDATE april 30th] A friend of mine on the Tenyo forum just made me realize Tenyo has two other tricks which have been rereleased: OH-NO! and 4D-trunk. Thanks Rob ;-)
[EDIT/UPDATE may 5th] It seems 4D-trunk is also back available. It was discontinued a few years ago.