About me and this website

My name is David (aka Killertweety or David DeTenyo on fora) and I am a 40 year old science teacher in Belgium, Europe, with a little son Benjamin.
Benjamin almost 1 year old
Magic has always fascinated me as a kid. After I saved my weekly allowances for a few weeks I always visited a 'novelty'/'joke' shop in my hometown Mechelen that sold some magic effects (very bad quality, no idea who manufactured them). I remember buying the Spiked Coin trick and a Finger Guillotine which I thought was great but unfortunately it broke often. So I went to buy another one, wrapped it with tape (hoping I really could put a cigarette or piece of carrot or selery into the lower hole - those of you who own the trick know what I mean) but unfortunately it still broke :( I tried it with a piece of cardboard in the lower hole but it would still brake. I almost gave up untill I tried a string of wool which worked. BEHOLD! The magic finger chopper that can pass through your finger but damages wool!
Becoming a teenager my priorities changed however. It was only after a visit to London, now about 15 years ago, and more specific seeing a magician at work at Covent Garden, my interest rekindled. I remember buying Dynamic Coins and a Svengali deck of cards. Afterwards I visited Hamleys where another magician performed tricks from Marvin's Magic. I bought a few boxes and was amazed by these little miracles that were often easy to do.
Back home I found the Penguinmagic website (which had a European distribution center at that time) and bought dozens of magic props.
Covent Garden magic kiosk
My interest in Tenyo specifically started after I watched a performance of Roberto Breyer (Magic Patagonia on Youtube). As if it were yesterday I still remember browsing for 'magic tricks and apparatus' and, perhaps by accident, I clicked on a video made by him (I think it was Ninja Experiment). I loved it and wanted to order it from my local magic shop, which of course was impossible because, little did I know, it was discontinued ;). I watched other videos by Roberto (for example Ultra Tube and Billscape which all fooled me BADLY!) and I began to realize in most of his video's he used magic tricks produced by a company named Tenyo.
Without realizing I had a few Tenyo's in my collection already, for example Credit Slasher which was the first Tenyo I bought, and my 'hunt' for Tenyo started. I browsed the internet (including Ebay where I found a used Floating Lady for 50 USD ... those were the days ;) ), phoned and visited magic shops, contacted magicians, ... and I was able to build a decent collection.
Benjamin almost 7 years old

The first few years I was mainly focused on this Japanese magic from the Tenyo company but the past few years my interest grew and I started collecting other similar (but in some cases a lot more expensive) magic too.

This website is dedicated to my collection of magic tricks created by Tenyo®, but also manufacturers like Milton Bradley ("Magic Works"®), Tricks Co. Japan® and some other that create easy to do 'miracles'.
The purpose of my site is to inform you about, or allow you to enjoy some of the cleverest inventions in the history of magic tricks/props. As I am by far not a professional magician, but merely love to impress my friends, family and students with tricks, all of the tricks on this website are easy to do.
One of the most important rules in magic is presenting the trick, entertaining your audience, ... it's far more important than the trick itself! That is why I love the tricks that will be on this website so much; they are easy to do, so you are able to work on the presentation.