A looong time ago I became familiar with Tenyo thanks to Youtube videos uploaded by Magic Patagonia, made/performed by Roberto B. , I was not aware they were often discontinued and were hard to find: Mirage, Ultra Tube, Billscape, and many others ... . WOW! I had NO IDEA how these worked ... .The golden age of Tenyo. Mechanical marvels. The use of small mirrors ... .
This is his channel on youtube.
While Roberto was and is the person who got me into Tenyo magic, not that long ago someone else got my attention: Jeremy Pei.
His videos are entertaining and very professionally done. I contacted him a few months ago and asked him about who he was because he sometimes told something about his father in his videos.
He told me his late dad is not an active performing magician but he had big support in the Magic Clubs in Singapore till the early 90's. He collected a lot of Tenyo from what I understood.
This is his channel. Judge by yourself. These are, in my opinion, about the best Tenyo demonstrations you can find out there. He also performs other collectible Tenyo-like magic.