First, take a look at this wonderfull performance by Angelo Carbone, and enjoy what happens (which is what magic is about, enjoying, not trying to find how it is done ;) ).
Ok ok ... now you may ask yourself: how did he do it? !
The torn and restored newspaper is a trick well known among magicians, and whoever owns a classic version of this trick will probably scratch her or his head and ask the same quesion: where in hecks name did those pieces go? How can the performer show one and only one piece of poster, so clean, at the end?
The answer is simple, yet VERY deceptive! After all these years of collecting magic tricks it is pretty uncommon I have this kind of 'aha-erlebnis', the feeling of 'why didn't I think of that'?!
When I opened my package I was wondering where the 'gimmick' was. Nothing to be found, absolutely nothing. Was there actually a gimmick? I won't go into more detail, but all I can say is this trick is easy to do, extremely deceptive (if performed right), and the secret is Tenyoesque! No super gimmicky new thingy-wingies, but actually very simple, but oh so smart. This could have been an official T-number release, but perhaps the secret wasn't entirely made up by the Tenyo staff ... I don't know. Anyway, get this one. It is available in Japanese stores and Ebay-sites for +/- 20 USD, which is a great price. Oh and once you know what the secret is, you can actually make your own version. But it will cost you more than what this trick is selling for.